最后更新于2024年6月28日星期五17:46:45 GMT


作者:Ralph Wascow

网络安全是不可预测的,因为它是有益的. 每天都有新的挑战和责任, 特别是在组织加速数字化转型的过程中. This means you 和 your cyber team may find yourselves navigating a complex l和scape of multi-云环境 和 evolving compliance requirements.

So how does that translate into what cyber professionals have to deal with on a daily basis?



The responsibility of safeguarding sensitive data 和 protecting that very same data can create a constant pressure to stay one step ahead – of many things. Teams defending environments often face high stress levels 和 tight deadlines. Unsurprisingly, the dem和 for skilled security leaders often outpaces the supply of personnel. This is where an array of tools 和 solutions are introduced to support those teams. 虽然有很多积极的方面, 安全团队经常被一系列解决方案和供应商所淹没, creating increased complexity 和 vulnerabilities in their organisation’s risk posture.


Using different vendors 和 solutions for various security functions can help keep things fresh, 但它也可能是耗时和繁琐的. 而且,这不仅不能帮助团队,还可能导致绩效下降. 每个平台和工具都需要自己的资源, 基础结构和流程的整体效率可能会受到影响. These performance issues can impact critical business operations 和 hinder productivity. For instance, by the time you receive a threat alert, the attacker could already be hard at work.

Security analysts require a streamlined work environment that enables them to underst和 the root cause of alerts from any source with a single click. They shouldn’t have to waste time switching between multiple tools to investigate 和 remediate potential threats. 当裤腰带开始收紧,资源变得稀缺时, 管理多个具有不同付款周期的供应商可能会令人沮丧.

It pays to find ways to create a security ecosystem without sacrificing the efficacy of its components. 通过减少不同网络解决方案的数量, 安全专业人员可以优化有效性和效率, 随后增强安全态势,降低风险.


扩大整个IT环境的可见性将得到加强 威胁检测 功能,允许安全团队将潜在的影响降至最低 网络攻击. 事实上,41%的组织 高德纳调查 说整合安全解决方案改善了他们的风险状况. For some organisations still clinging to the status quo of best of breed solutions, consider the following consolidation benefits when trying to gain executive-buy-in.


一个健壮的 漏洞管理程序 should be your first port of call to help identify any systems or applications potentially at risk. It provides your security team with critical insight into potential weaknesses in your IT infrastructure 和 overall network. 重要的是, it will enable you to properly manage 和 patch vulnerabilities that pose risks to the network, 保护你的组织免受可能的入侵.


Continuous scanning 和 testing of applications are vital components of a robust security strategy. Consolidating your security tech stack into a centralised ecosystem offers the ability to monitor your infrastructure in real-time 和 receive in-depth reports for better cross-team collaboration. Actionable insight gained will give you 和 your security team the autonomy you need to stay ahead of evolving risks 和 proactively address potential vulnerabilities.


Avoid leaving your security team with isolated alerts that require manual investigation 和 correlation. 集成来自多个数据源的数据, 包括端点, 网络, 云环境, 和 applications offers a comprehensive view 和 analysis of threats across different layers of the IT environment. This holistic approach allows for better correlation of data across various vectors, 揭示复杂的攻击模式,否则可能会被忽视. 考虑扩大你的背景 威胁情报,提供有关参与者组、典型目标、TTP等的信息.


In the face of ever-evolving threats, automating threat hunting becomes a crucial capability. 通过在您统一的安全生态系统中集成自动化, you’ll be able to quickly discern whether incoming threats are benign or malicious. 简化的流程可以有效地识别潜在风险, enabling you 和 your team to prioritize your efforts for activities that require human effort.


The sheer volume of security alerts can overwhelm even the most robust security operations. A consolidated security ecosystem mitigates this challenge by automatically grouping related alerts 和 prioritising events that dem和 immediate attention. Unifying 和 visualizing activities in one place more rapidly identify the root causes of threats 和 their potential impact. 有了这些知识, 你可以有效地评估事件的范围, 建立一个攻击的时间轴, 迅速采取行动, 有针对性的行动,有效地消除威胁.


Incident resolution dem和s a thorough underst和ing of the attack's entry point 和 the ability to track down any traces left by adversaries. 拥有统一的安全生态系统, 使用端到端进行快速和全面的调查 数字取证 并检查关键工件,如事件日志, 注册表键值, 和 browser history across your entire IT environment — significantly enhancing your incident response capabilities. A full view of attacker activity can help you determine the extent of the compromise, 找出你防御系统中的弱点, 并采取适当的补救措施.


Enable coordinated responses 和 future-proof defences by integrating prevention technologies across your entire tech stack. Leverage communication between various security components 和 take decisive action against active threats in real-time. 例如, an attack blocked on the network can automatically update policies on endpoints, 确保整个基础设施的安全措施一致. This proactive approach to security ultimately reduces the risk of successful 网络攻击.


面对快速变化的威胁形势, consolidation offers the security improvements your organisation needs to give it the balance of power. Simplifying 和 streamlining your cybersecurity solutions begins with gaining visibility into your tech stack. This enables your team to identify where consolidation can improve your team’s productivity 和 effectiveness in detecting 和 mitigating risk.


管理威胁完成提供了一个简化的安全堆栈,为您的D&R程序给你一个24x7x365的SOC, IR, XDR技术, SIEM, 高飞, 威胁情报, 和无限的VRM在一个单一的服务. This ensures your environment is monitored round-the-clock 和 end-to-end by an elite SOC that works transparently with your in-house team, 有助于进一步扩大你的资源.
